Community Seven Television Media Assistance Grant Application

Thank you for requesting a Media Assistance Grant from Community Seven Television.


This is a bonus addition of donated staff time and resources to your regular membership show production. You must be a 501(C)-3 non-profit to apply for this grant.

This grant will add an additional 12 hours of staff time and all the tv equipment you need for us to help you make a promotional, showcase, or event archiving video, free of charge.

Community Seven Television staff will directly assist your organization in creating a program to highlight your organization. The program could describe the services or opportunities your organization offers, or you could choose to archive an event sponsored by, or relevant to, your organization. The finished program/event will air on the Community Seven Television channel.

Upon receiving this grant, you are expected to become or already be a member of Community Seven Television. Basic membership guarantees you 26 hours of studio time and 13 hours of airtime a year.


Nope! However, if you do receive the grant, you will be expected to become a member. Being a member gives you 26 hours of studio time to produce an ongoing television series related to your organization. It will air in half hour segments and cannot be purely promotional, but must provide informational and educational value to the public.

If you would like to donate something to the fund that provides this service that would be a way to help out an organization or civic group that has no money or outreach at all!


First, apply understanding that you should expect to spend some staff or volunteer time to work with the C7TV staff in completing the project.

Have a script or idea in mind that we can help you shape. C7TV staff will travel to any location within our service area for your event or video.

You may have to send a representative of your organization to C7TV for post-production of the program, assisted by an editor.

We require someone from your organization to meet C7TV staff at the event or production site, to help identify where to set up. The C7TV staff person may need access to the event sound system personnel, lighting, stage or facilities manager or other key elements to creating a successful record of your event. Please make sure that presenters/performers are aware that the event is being recorded for presentation on the C7TV cable channels. Make sure that you have incorporated the recording of the event into the planning of the event logistically as well as with all the necessary permissions.

If you want C7TV to videotape a meeting or event that is NOT of your own group or organization, you must obtain written permission from that group or organization and present it with your application.

For live events we request that a representative or your organization provide the following verbal credit announcement at the event:

"This event will be videotaped by Community Seven Television as part of its Media Assistance Grants Program to support nonprofit organizations in the community."

The completed program must premiere on the C7TV channel.


Community Seven Television serves 32,000 households in the Billings area on cable channels 7, 189 and 507. We also stream our channel live online as well as provide archived videos on Vimeo and our Video on Demand library for those who missed the debut.

The value of this Media Grant is $900.

If you have any questions about this production grant opportunity please contact one of us at:, or 406-281-5077. Thank you for your interest!

Apply Online

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